Our Rector
Jenny Seggar
I am a Suffolk Girl and originally hail from the Woodbridge area. I come from a musical background, and after some wandering between jobs trained as a teacher and taught music, especially singing for about 15 years, both in schools and privately.
I have been a lifelong Christian and come from a ministry background as my Dad was one of the first Non-Stipendiary ministers to be ordained in the Diocese. I started to attend my local church (one of 6 in a rural benefice near Hadleigh) after my daughter was born, and served on the PCC, became a church warden, and a lay elder. About 15 years ago I was ordained as an Ordained Local Minister. I was part of the first cohort to be sent successfully through national selection. Ministry worked well alongside the teaching for about 5 years, but God had other ideas and I finally went stipendiary in 2009, serving a little under two years in Sudbury. I then took up my appointment as Priest in Charge of the Bramford Benefice around 8 years ago.
I have a real love for life and genuinely enjoy rural ministry. I am passionately interested in history, music and bird watching, and often have some kind of a practical project on the go. I theoretically belong to a local choir, who understand that as a minister I cannot attend regularly but they let me gate crash rehearsals, and the odd ‘gig’ when time and energy allow. Although I do not feel old enough, I have recently become a grandmother for the first time and am loving being a grandparent.
I live at the Rectory with my husband John, and my brother Alex who no doubt you will see riding his motorbike around the village.