Readings for November (Year B)
Sunday 3rd November - All Saints Day
Liturgical colour. Gold / White
Readings; Wisdom 3; 1 - 9
Revelation 21; 1 - 6a
John 11; 32 - 44
Sunday 10th November - Remembrance Sunday
Liturgical colour. Red
alternative readings may be used
Readings; Jonah 3; 1 - 5 & 10 at Remembrance Services
Hebrews 9; 24 - end
Mark 1; 14 - 20
Sunday 17th November - 2nd Sunday before Advent
Liturgical colour. Red
Readings; Daniel 12; 1 - 3
Hebrews 10; 11 - 14 [15 - 18] 19 - 25
Mark 13; 1 - 8
Sunday 24th November - Sunday before Advent ( Christ the King )
Liturgical colour. Red
Readings; Daniel 7; 9 - 10 & 13 - 14
Revelation 1; 4b - 8
John 18; 33 - 37